Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Fuh..fuh....dah bersawang blog ni. Last entry was 9 months ago which is last year. Tahun 2018 ni belum ada sebarang entry lagi. Jadi sebagai pembuka entry, i want to introduce my current obsession :)
Nyawa <3 td="">3> |
Introduce my son, Yusuf Ar Rayyan, born end of last year, 2017.
Sekejap je masa berjalan sekarang ni, tengok-tengok dah masuk pertengahan tahun 2018 dah.
Alhamdulillah to what i have today. I remember one quote, "I remember those day that i pray for what i have now.". Allahuakbar, syukur sangat-sangat.
More story about his birth in next entry (hopefully diberi kerajinan untuk menaip).